For a business to perform successfully, basing decisions just on financial performance alone is not sufficient. A company has to track other business measures such as quality, customer satisfaction, brand preference, employee satisfaction and retention among others. Having KPIs and monitoring them is becoming increasingly critical in today’s competitive and integrated business environment. The best KPIs answer the following questions: Are our activities aligned to our organizational goals and how well are they executed? Are our processes progressive or regressive? Are we getting the expected results, if not, why? Where is the money going and why is it going there? Are all our key stakeholders happy with us? Why...
BeyondSquare Solutions is an IT products company founded to bring about innovative FinTech products and solutions for the finance & accounting office. BeyondSquare’s flagship product, FinAlyzer acts as a catalyst for CFO reporting in multi-entity organizations, covering integrated group reporting, legal & management consolidation & segment wise profitability reporting. It effortlessly converts financial data to actionable insights.