Whether you are a simple investor, or a decision maker in a company, the ability to understand the performance of a company by analysing the financial data is a mighty useful skill to have. A Financial statement is a summary of the financial performance of a company. The three main reports in a financial statement are the Balance Sheet, Income Statement and the Cash Flows statement. By knowing how to examine a financial report, you will gain good understanding of the general trends and performance of a business. One excellent way of analysing a financial statement is through financial ratios . A ratio is quite simply, dividing an item with another. For example, gross profit margin is calculated by dividing gross profit by net sales . There are different types of ratios that help...
BeyondSquare Solutions is an IT products company founded to bring about innovative FinTech products and solutions for the finance & accounting office. BeyondSquare’s flagship product, FinAlyzer acts as a catalyst for CFO reporting in multi-entity organizations, covering integrated group reporting, legal & management consolidation & segment wise profitability reporting. It effortlessly converts financial data to actionable insights.