The title of this blog is sure to raise a few eyebrows. Many of my accountant friends who have spent long hours and months coming to grips with XBRL are probably frowning. But seriously, you are an accountant for god’s sake. What makes sense to you is the familiar world of numbers. Things like “accumulated depreciation” and “contingent liabilities” are music to your ears. You would rather defer your movie plans than stop computing deferred taxes. You have cash flows for breakfast, assets for lunch and provisions for dinner. You tread bravely, where a lesser mortal would shudder to go. With enough on your plate already, the world has conspired to burden you some more. A cursory glance at the XBRL jargon is sure to make you dizzy. XBRL experts don’t think twice before casually using terms like linkbase, dimensions, domains, hyper-cubes, tagging and facts; as if it is the natural thing for everyone to know. Let me let you in on a secret – it is not your job to understand any of this. I...
BeyondSquare Solutions is an IT products company founded to bring about innovative FinTech products and solutions for the finance & accounting office. BeyondSquare’s flagship product, FinAlyzer acts as a catalyst for CFO reporting in multi-entity organizations, covering integrated group reporting, legal & management consolidation & segment wise profitability reporting. It effortlessly converts financial data to actionable insights.